Monday, July 28, 2014

#SchoolWithKristy: From Charter/Private School to Public School

Hey Guys!
It's Kristy♥
Since we all know that I'm doing a back to school series!
I'm super excited to see your little faces at school.
Okay so let's get into this.
This was actually requested by a friend of mine because she's moving from a charter school to public school. I just want to say that it isn't difficult. Public School is super fun and the teachers are little laid back.

Make Friends: Making friends will get you through your move. Usually, starting into a public middle school is easy because people come from all type of elementary schools so no one really cares. Same with high school. Elementary school is a little bit harder because your know as the girl who started out at their school later than everybody else.

Clothing: One thing a like about public school is you can dress in what ever you want. You can wear anything as long as it fits your school dress code.

Stress: Stress happens in every school. Public school can be a little more stressful because you learn at a faster pace and there's a lot of papers. I suggest staying very organized and pay attention.

Different Grades Starters: In my district, we start middle school at 6th Grade and goes 'til 8th Grade. Another district in my state starts middle school in 7th Grade and goes 'til 9th. Must charter schools go until ninth grade so...many of you guys are probably used to going into 7th grade for middle school. It might be harder than it seems at my district because everybody would have started in 6th grade so stick to the stuff above.
Well that's it for this post.
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